Multimedia Web Design and Digital Photography a Perfect Partnership!
December 23rd, 2008    Subscribe To Our Feed
Multimedia web design and digital photography help greatly to make the web that colourful and interesting place it is. Since digital cameras have been out doing things on the web has been so much easier. Using a traditional film camera’s photos on the web would be very difficult whereas with the digital format it really is extremely simple.
Planning the use of your digital images especially for the web
naturally you can use your digital camera to take photographs specifically for use with a website. When you take the original photographs, you are able to lower the resolution on your images in order to save the time it will take to load your images onto a web page. You can also compress your images to save on load time as well. Your digital image is considered optimized for the web when it has low resolution and higher compression.
Digital Images Work Well With Multimedia Web Designs
It is easy to work with digital photography for multimedia web design. You can for instance use your digital images with audio, nicely edited into a video and for different artistic and professional presentations. You will be able to bring your digital images into the computer and do different things with them such as turning your images into avatars, buttons, elements of a logo, into a gallery or as a background for a website.
Digital Images in Different software Applications
Flash presentations can easily have your digital photographs inserted within them. You can additionally very easily layer your images into a collage and even create an online slideshow of your work. You will be able to add your digital images into your PowerPoint presentations for an online web presentation. You can upload your digital images from your computer and insert them into web pages in whatever way you want. You can even send your digital images as E-cards to other people.
Truly effortless picture editing
it is so easy for you to edit your digital photos with software on your PC, before the days of digital this was a nightmare and as a result you could not do hardly any of the things you can do today.
With a few clicks of the mouse you can easily change the colour scheme of your image to match the colours of the webpage, crop a particular part of your image out so as to make it fit neatly in a certain area of one of your pages or simply resize the original image to the exact that mentions you need and so much more.
Once you finish editing your images software makes it very easy for you to insert your digital images into different multimedia applications for the web.
The truth is multimedia web design and digital photography go hand-in-hand, they each enhance each other to give you the perfect results on the web. It really is hard to imagine multimedia web design without digital photography being used around it in some way.
Technorati Tags:design digital photography webstar, digital photography and website design, Make Money With Digital Photography, Multimedia Web Design and Digital Photography, Professional Digital Photography
How to Start Making Money with Digital Photography – Work in What You Love!
December 13th, 2008    Subscribe To Our Feed
Making money with digital photography is a lot easier than one may think, it’s no secret that over the last few years millions of people have been making the switch to digital photography over the more traditional film based photography, the reasons are pretty obvious, digital photography is very easy on the beginner and at the same time very cost-effective. Thanks to this it has also got a lot easier to make money with digital photography, photography doesn’t have to be just your hobby anymore.
In-Home Photography Studio
Creating an in-home photography studio is something that many who want to start making money with digital photography start out doing. Taking portraits with a digital camera takes a great deal of practice to get the techniques right, yes it may seem simple enough but to get a true professional look can take some time for some.
All that is needed for an in-home photography studio is a good quality digital camera, a printer capable of true photo quality prints (or you could use a printing service), a simple lighting setup, a few creative backdrops, and some customers. The initial expenditure can be very minimal, with purchases for upgraded equipment occurring when the budget allows. This can be a very effective way of making money with digital photography.
Before making money with digital photography, you must purchase the equipment that you need and have all of the items set up properly. If you are unsure of what to buy or how to set it all up, consider purchasing a photography business guide that will give you all the details you need to get things set up in the right way.
This kind of photography business guide generally will as well as other things instruct you on different ways to set up your photography business, how to go about setting up a studio with information on things like ways to arrange the lighting, and how to obtain the best photograph of your subject. A business photography guide can also instruct you on the best ways to obtain the equipment you need and what price ranges the equipment is in. By using these tips, tricks, and advice, you will have the opportunity to be making money with digital photography fairly quickly.
Freelance photography career
Another route to making money with digital photography is to work as a freelance photographer to companies that need quality digital photographs taken. There are so many businesses that are branching out into the online Kingdom and need photographs taken of their employees, their products, and their premises and grounds and whatnot for their websites.
Most of the smaller companies around simply do not have people on their staff that are capable of doing this kind of photography with sufficient quality. If you can show them your quality for your earlier work you very well may be able to get jobs from these companies.
To make money with digital photography you will need to be able to personally motivate yourself, since there will be no boss looking over your shoulder to make sure you are focused on the task at hand. A good way to get involved in making money with digital photography is to start out doing it part-time and then as your income from your photography business starts to grow you will be able to make a less risky and stressful transition than if you were to quit your job from the beginning.
Technorati Tags:Digital Photography Guide, How to Start Making Money with Digital Photography, Making Money with Digital Photography, making money with photography, Professional Digital Photography
Some Black-And-White Digital Photography Tips on How to Achieve The Lost Art
December 4th, 2008    Subscribe To Our Feed
Black-and-white digital photography is truly a timeless art, it may not be so mainstream like it once was now that colour is commonplace but even today it still has many uses. One of the main reasons for this is that when a photograph has no colour it tends to be a lot better at capturing raw emotions and those magical moments, simply because there is less distraction from all the colours in the image.
With the black-and-white digital photography tips in this article you will be able to create great photographs that truly capture life at its most basic and fundamental level as well as adding to the drama and general mood of the photographs you take. It is no secret that black-and-white is commonplace with wedding photography for these very reasons.
Some Black-and-white digital photography tips and options available to you
There are three major options available to you for achieving great black-and-white photographs. First off, the most obvious option is to directly shoot the photographs in black-and-white from the beginning. The majority of digital cameras allow you to do this and if you look in your cameras manual you may even find a section dedicated to black-and-white digital photography tips you can use with your camera, either way it should at least tell you how to operate your camera in black-and-white mode.
Another option that is sometimes available with some digital cameras is to be able to switch from colour to black-and-white after you have taken the photograph from within the cameras menus. If your camera has this option what it will do is create a copy of the photograph and then convert this copy into monochrome, thus leaving you with both a colour version and the black-and-white version of the photograph.
This can be very useful as not all photographs work very well in black-and-white as anyone who is trying to give you black-and-white digital photography tips will tell you, the end result is that you will have more options open to you.
One last black-and-white digital photography Tip or option I can suggest you use is to simply print the photograph in black-and-white by setting the configuration of your printer to only print black-and-white. Technically speaking this is not really true black-and-white digital photography but it will achieve the same result on photographic paper. The shading in the image will not be quite as crisp as when you manipulate the photograph directly with software on your computer or camera, however normally the photographs will still be at an acceptable quality done this way. Of course this option does have a major disadvantage in that you will only see what you’re black-and-white digital image looks like once you have already printed it out and so you could end up wasting perfectly good photographic paper.
Out of all these black-and-white digital photography tips/options, I would recommend you shoot the images when possible directly in black-and-white as this normally gives the best quality. Also remember that although black-and-white can give an interesting feel to photographs, it doesn’t always work that way and so it is up to your own creativity to find the right photograph for black-and-white.
Technorati Tags:Black and White digital Photography, black-and-white digital photography tips, Digital Photography Basics, Digital Photography Guide, Learn Digital Photography
Digital Photography Tips for Beginners: Your Starting out Basics
November 15th, 2008    Subscribe To Our Feed
Here is a quick little crash course for digital photography tips for beginners. The modern digital cameras have brought a number of new changes to the way we operate cameras. This digital photography for beginners guide will help you with the most profound differences so you can start taking the first photographs with your new camera.
Gathering together a large collection of images
With the digital cameras of today gone are the days when you had to constantly worry about wasting film every time you took a picture. You no longer have to pay to print loads of photos that either didn’t come out right or simply weren’t all that good. Now you can simply go for your photos and delete those that aren’t any good directly from the camera or from your personal PC, you can then edit the ones you like and choose to view them on screen and or print them out.
How to save space for your photos when you’re running out
This is a very important digital photography tip for beginners, if you are finding that you do not have sufficient space on your cameras memory card and/or your PC you can choose to save your pictures in a lower resolution (lower quality). The truth is unless you want to blow up your image to a large size and print it out you probably will not need the full quality anyway. Another time when you may want to keep a photo in high-quality would be when you may be going to edit that photo in the future since when you edit you may want to blow certain areas up etc. But as earlier stated for just viewing on-screen low resolution images are generally fine.
You should always remember to empty your cameras memory card once you have finished using it and store your photos on your computer as well as in a second location as a backup. The last thing you want is to run out of space on your camera’s memory card right when you’re in the middle of taking some great shots! Your first camera most likely came with a small amount of memory internally and maybe a small memory card as well, you will probably find that you can do with an extra large memory card as well, especially if your camera is capable of high resolution.
Conserving battery power so that you don’t run out of power when you most need it
You would be surprised how many people overlook the importance of a camera battery when they are first getting started with digital photography for beginners, yet when you think about it, it is the only thing keeping it running and when it runs out of power unless you have another battery ready to go you won’t be taking more photos until you can get another battery charged up.
The first thing to remember is to always carry several spare battery packs with you fully charged and ready to go at all times. But there are also things you can do to conserve power usage as well, for instance you can save on power by making sure the camera’s LCD is only on when absolutely necessary. The camera’s flash also uses a lot of power so it is definitely something that you would want to use wisely when running on a low battery.
This was just a couple of quick digital photography tips for beginners, you’ll find a lot more in-depth information and tips on camera usage and other camera related subjects by browsing through the archives of this site, however if you really want to fast start yourself you should think about getting a digital photography for beginners course to help you out.
Digital Photography Lesson Plans – Tips, Costs & Where to Find Them!
August 25th, 2008    Subscribe To Our Feed
Digital photography lesson plans are something that many of us never consider. To a certain extent this is because people take picture taking for granted, we all do it whether it’s a passionate hobby of ours or just for keeping records of family holidays etc. The truth is though, despite the fact that we all take quite a lot of photos, most of us do not know how to take a good photograph, so to learn digital photography with proper lessons to improve your skills makes a lot of sense.
Where to find digital photography lesson plans
If you don’t want to learn digital photography at an Institute of some kind and you would just like to do a course from home, there are a number of good digital photography courses you can pick up online. For this check out the ones on this page and do some Google searches.
But if you prefer to learn in a class you will find there are a number of places where one can look for a good digital photography lesson plan depending on where you live. If you happen to be living in a college area you are in luck, since colleges tend to provide a good range of high-quality digital photography lesson plans to the general public. This will be especially helpful to you if you are looking for the higher end digital photography lessons that could include things like how to go about professional lighting, advanced use of shutter speeds etc, since colleges can be some of the best places for this kind of pro training.
One other Place that people don’t normally think of when looking for digital photography lesson plans is their local photography stores. Although most of these stores solely offer equipment, some do also offer services such as digital photography lessons and tips, and even if they don’t they may know where you can go.
Also worth checking out is your local council. Some councils offer classes on a variety of different subjects including digital photography lesson plans. Also consult photography magazines etc for digital photography lesson advertisements.
The costs involved in digital photography lesson plans
In some cases it is possible to get your basic digital photography lesson plans free! However this is not always the case and if you want more advanced digital photography lesson plans you are most likely going to have to pay something for them.
The amount you have to pay in many cases will vary depending on how much material is taught in the course you take. If you are just covering the basics to frame your photos directly etc you’re not likely to have to pay much. However more advanced things like lighting, positioning, digital backgrounds, models and the proper use of the advanced options on professional digital cameras are all going to push up the prices of your digital photography lesson plans somewhat.
Too many people look at digital photography lesson plans as unnecessary, which in reality doesn’t make that much sense since photography is something we do a lot, so why not learn to do it better.
Photographers Professional Digital Photography Equipment – The Essentials!
August 14th, 2008    Subscribe To Our Feed
Over the last decade digital photography really has taken over with photographers that still employ film based technology now very much in the minority. So little traditional film based photography is employed these days that many manufacturers of digital photography equipment have now announced that they will eliminate all film based photography equipment from their lines, many have already done so.
There are a considerable number of market brands for professional digital photography equipment that a digital photographer can choose from. Each manufacturer endeavors to make their equipment user-friendly and generally speaking of a higher end quality since this equipment is designed to be used day in and day out.
Some of the essential professional digital photography equipment
A professional digital photography camera
Obviously any one who performs professional photography will need to have a professional digital photography camera as the fundamental tool of their professional digital photography equipment.
Clearly a photographer’s digital camera is the prime of his or her equipment, without a high-quality camera the rest of the photographer’s equipment is almost meaningless. Professionals will generally use SLR digital cameras of 10 or more megapixels. Canon, Nikon and Pentax are some of the most well known digital camera manufacturers used by professionals.
Since the higher end digital cameras with 10 or more megapixels will create high resolution photographs, the space that the photographs will take up on the digital photographers memory card is considerably more than with cheaper lower end digital cameras. For this reason professional digital photographers need to make sure they have large high-quality memory cards at their disposal as part of their professional digital photography equipment.
A professional sturdy tripod
Another fundamental element of any photographer’s professional digital photography equipment is a sturdy tripod. In many cases tripods are essential to making sure pictures come out 100% focused and accurately framed.
When purchasing a tripod you will need to take into account the kind of photography you do, in fact in some cases you may even need to purchase several different tripods for different jobs. For instance if you’re tripod is going to be used for relatively close-up shots and you want to carry it with you everywhere and will be using it on steady ground a small lightweight tripod would probably be best for you, however if you’re tripod is going to be used out and about in nature on uneven ground you may well want something a little more heavy and sturdier.
Professional digital photography editing software
These days no professional photographer can be without professional digital photography software. Being able to touch up and edit photographs after they’ve been taken on your PC is really essential to make sure the photographs you take for your customers are the best they can be.
There are lots of programs available out there, but generally speaking most professional digital photographers today use Adobe Photoshop. Adobe Photoshop is a very expensive piece of software and also pretty complicated to operate, but it offers pretty much anything photographers could need when editing photographs.
Other accessories
There are countless accessories available for professional digital photography equipment, it will depend on the type of photography the photographer participates in and to some degree in the way they go about their photography to which of these accessories will be of use.
However there are some accessories that all professional digital photographers absolutely need. Digital camera batteries are one of these accessories. Most professional digital photography cameras utilize their very own specifically made battery pack. As a professional photographer it is absolutely essential that you carry with you at all times several backup battery packs since you simply cannot afford to run out of power in the middle of a job.
Technorati Tags:Digital Photography Equipment, professional digital camera equipment, Professional Digital Photography, Professional Digital Photography Equipment